Meeting at:
3308 A Pleasants Road
Powhatan, Va. 23139
(804) 598-0733
Online Giving Options Below
Lord's Day Jan 19:
11 a.m. Worship:
Sermon: 1 Peter 1:1-2 Counsel for Christians in Trials
Sunday School begins at 10 a.m.: Matthew 22:41 ff
We look forward to worshipping with you.
Wednesday Jan. 22: Study of Acts begins! Books will be available on Sunday Jan. 19.
Powhatan Christian Fellowship Live - YouTube
Our pulpit series is currently in the Book of Daniel and our Sunday School classes are doing a verse by verse study of the Gospel of Matthew. Our Wednesday Bible study (7 p.m.) begins a new study in Acts January 22.
We have an empty seat for you, so please come join us as we make much of our glorious and gracious God!
We are live streaming our service on Youtube in an effort to serve anyone who is unable to be with us. Go to "Powhatan Christian Fellowship" on Youtube at 11 a.m. for livestream, with this link:
Powhatan Christian Fellowship - YouTube
For online giving, download the Vanco App and search for Powhatan Christian Fellowship or use the link at the bottom of this page.
Archery Ministry Spaghetti Fundraiser
Sat, Feb 16
|Powhatan Christian Fellowship
PCF is raising funds to buy bows, arrows, targets, and equipment to begin a new ministry. We will eat well, hear some blue grass style music, and raise funds in order to take the gospel and the love of archery to young people.